
Social Responsibility

Obeikan Investment Group cherishes opportunities to contribute to our society by making it more inclusive and sustainable.

Like many companies, Obeikan Investment Group has long engaged in corporate charitable giving, supporting the Charity Committee for Orphans, Al-Ber Charity Committee and treatment for patients at Sultan Bin Abdul Aziz City for Humanitarian Services. The company has also endowed the Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Obeikan Chair for Mathematics and Science Education at King Saud University.

However, as time passed, we wanted to augment our charitable giving with initiatives with sustainable, durable results—results that could change lives on an individual level and that would visibly contribute to our shared societal goals. With that in mind, we founded the Riyadh Polytechnic Institute (RPI), which has become our premier corporate social responsibility initiative.

RPI opens up new career opportunities for young Saudis, helps build the workforce that the Kingdom needs to accomplish its economic growth agenda, and helps employers reach their Saudization targets. Obeikan prizes the opportunity to contribute to these important societal goals.

Finally, we continually seek new ways to respect shared resources and the environment. We are the largest recycler of paper and carton in the Kingdom, which de-clutters landfills and even more importantly prevents the release of methane gas that happens when paper breaks down. We look for opportunities to reduce the use of electricity and water in our manufacturing processes, and have developed a digital application we call Zajil to continually monitor use and help us identify opportunities to economize further.

RPI educates young Saudis for career-track jobs, offering two-year technical diplomas to high school graduates who want to pursue careers in primary industries. Students choose a diploma track from eight different options, ranging from Electromechanics to Sales. In the foundation year, students improve their English language proficiency and digital literacy and acquire both quantitative skills and softer skills like workplace behavior and time management. In the second year, each track’s curriculum focuses on the practical, hands-on knowledge needed for job readiness.

Graduates are guaranteed employment in the manufacturing sector. Since RPI was founded, more than 1,000 young Saudi men have graduated and transitioned into employment.