Pre-School Education

Obeikan designs and delivers complete educational experiences that stimulate young minds and prepare the next generation for a lifetime of success.

High Quality Customized Solutions

Early Childhood Education

In Obeikan we realize that building high-quality early childhood solutions requires resources and support in four key areas: curriculum, assessment, professional development and family connection. We feel that we are uniquely positioned to achieve the educational goals for the Preschool Education organization as set.  

The Curriculum Solution

Obeikan Education Company offers a distinctive scientific curriculum (Our Curriculum Solution) that has been adopted by the Ministry of Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

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Authentic, ongoing assessment is essential to planning appropriate learning experiences and helping all children succeed. 

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Parents Connection

Developing partnerships with families is an essential part of any high-quality early childhood program, helping teachers and families work together to support childrens development and learning best. 

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Professional training and development

Obeikan Education Company has specialized experts for the first time in the Kingdom in training and developing the skills of Saudi nursery teachers in line with the developmental goals of this stage

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Integrated Educational Platform

Obeikan Education Company offers an integrated educational platform aimed at improving the process of education in schools.

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Establishing and operating nurseries and kindergartens:

Obeikan Education Company aims to equip its schools with the latest learning needs for the target group and provide the best educational mechanisms and means that help stimulate academic achievement

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E-Planet Books