Education and Knowledge

Polytechnic Institute (RPI)

Riyadh Polytechnic Institute (RPI) delivers competitive, high-caliber vocational training, equipping graduates with the skills employers want and need today.

Riyadh Polytechnic Institute (RPI) provides the labor market with highly qualified, job-ready employees.

RPI offers two-year technical diplomas to Saudi high school graduates who want to pursue jobs in primary industries. Students choose a diploma track from eight different career options:





Executive Secretary

Graphic Design

Printing and Packaging

Supply Chain

In the foundation year, students improve their English language proficiency and digital literacy and acquire both quantitative skills and softer skills like workplace behavior and time management. In the second year, each track’s curriculum focuses on the practical, hands-on knowledge needed for job readiness. Graduates are guaranteed employment in the manufacturing sector.

Curricula are continuously revised with input from leading manufacturers, and professional development events complement the study program. RPI’s campus is strategically located in Riyadh’s Second Industrial City, among numerous leading manufacturing companies who hire its graduates.