Education and Knowledge

knowledge academy

Obeikan Knowledge Academy (OKA) accelerates our growth by cultivating our human capital.

Obeikan Knowledge Academy (OKA) is an expression of Obeikan’s strategic commitment to nurturing our human capital, which is one of the intangible assets that drives our growth and success.  Our company-specific training builds on their talents, expands their skill sets and prepares them for greater responsibility, amplifying their ability to contribute at an international standard.

Employees are booked for programs according to the Obeikan Competency Framework, which addresses both core and functional competencies.  In addition to programming more than 100 different courses, the Academy also invites guest lecturers from major companies and regional institutions for keynote speeches on commercially relevant issues.

The Academy is housed on a purpose-built campus that establishes an optimal learning environment.  It includes laboratories, study and recreational halls, and other features that create a collegial atmosphere dedicated to professional excellence.  The Online component of the Academy offers e-learning courses as well as back-office management of curriculum, enrollment and training records.

A Few Facts

About obeikan knowledge academy

E-learning available

via the online Academy


in 2012


Training courses


Online Academy

for curriculum management, enrollment and training records

More Facts

In Numbers


obeikan OKA

Facts & Figures

  • Established in 2012
  • Provides training to all Obeikan employees
  • More than 100 different training courses
  • Training leads to Obeikan certification
  • Online Academy for curriculum management, enrollment and training records
  • E-learning available via the online Academy
  • Programmes based on job functions and Obeikan Competency Framework

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for Obeikan Knowledge Academy (OKA)